Saturday, May 3, 2008

It's Saturday, so this post exalts RANDOMNESS

Since I've tumbled out of the Ivory Tower, I've been slummin' around more on the interwebs. I think after you've been holed up in a library, writing and reading for 12-14 hrs a day at a dumpy carrel, that that's to be expected. Perhaps I am wrong. Of course, I am proud to say that I've written a novel this year, too. And that's coming to an end as well. So, it hasn't been a total loss, and I'm still trying to determine if I should return to my graduate program.

I'm still working on a title for my fantasy novel. And in case you're wondering, I did kill of a child last night. As I wrote it, I cried. You see, my writing is that good. Ha! (I'm not that arrogant, at least not yet). Like I said, my fantasy novel is set in Kansas. It's filled with dragons, demons, crabby skeletons, and ghosts from the original Scooby Doo. Even E.T. is a character. That sounds wacky, just a random list of creatures, spirits, and a few things that typify popular film and TV programs in the '80s for children. But as I mentioned in my previous entry, the novel is pretty scary.

Where am I now? Presently I'm a stone's throw away from the Widener, and can see the lovely cupolas that overlook the Chaaarles river (oh, wow - that reminds me of Brideshead Revisited. If you haven't read the book
or seen the TV series, which includes stupendous parts played by Sir Laurence Olivier and the lovely Claire Bloom, not to mention Jeremy Irons, another one of my all time favorites, go out and buy both versions NOW. I still adore Irons, despite many of the wretched films he's made, but he's gotta pay the bills somehow). In any event, here I am holed up in Cambridge, MA. The point of mentioning this is . . . I'm longing for Kansas at the moment. I miss the wide open skies. You don't see skies like that on the East coast, because the topography is too hilly, filled with enormous trees. Plus, there is tremendous amount of light pollution. My novel has made me experience real heimweh, and that's far more brutal than you're run of the mill homesickness.

Of course, I love Cambridge. I love it's book stores and coffee shops. More than that, I love the conversations you hear in Cambridge. It's always nice to hop on the subway and see one person across from you reading Dostoevsky in Russian, while someone else, who's perhaps sitting right next you, skims Rimbaud in French. The books you see people reading seems random, like the two I just mentioned, but for those reading individuals, it makes absolute sense. I take comfort in knowing that these people, while their reading choices allow my own imagination to meander along the metaphorical path of everyday life's peculiarities, are actually on a set path. I am at the crux of a paradox: my thoughts touch upon all that is random and all that is intentional. It's a lovely place, just like Kansas's topography. See that image to the right? I wanna see that again, and not on the web. I wanna stand in that scene again.

And since I've come back to musing about Kansas, it's high time that I slap a decent title onto this monster-filled piece. The monsters are actual characters. They're not good. Of course not. Publishers don't want any kind of ambivalence like that. Oh, no. Kafka would be so screwed today. But a Kafka wouldn't exist today. I know that from all my years studying history, although I was on my way to earning a Ph.D. in literature. I am, at heart, a historicist. So, I know better than to comment as such. Anyways, the monsters are bad, but the children in the novel have choices, i.e. they are "born" good, but can go bad if they so choose (wow! It's parallel to our own universe, no?).

When I go back and re-read it, certain passages remind me of Alice in Wonderland. The monsters, who are always disguised when their trying to lure the little ones into their murderous dens, offer children cookies and cupcakes. The cookies come in the shape of My Little Pony figures or look like cabbage patch dolls, but the cupcakes are always the same thing -Bugs Bunny from the '40s. If they eat the Bugs Bunny cupcake, they're in for a frightful "trip" that takes them back to World War II. What's worse, they live out their parents' lives. That sends the children over the edge, and if they don't die, they turn black. So, Bugs Bunny cupcakes are pretty bad. When the children die, the monsters, naturally, devour them. But when they turn black, the children change (physically, too) and end up joining armies, aiding the monsters and their insatiable appetite for new children - they become bounty hunters, in search of the flesh of fresh children.

The main thrust: fantasy that's twisted around (false) memory, as the children cannot make sense of the images and emotions they experience once their viewing things through the lens of one of their parents.

I'd spent a lot of time developing the child who died last night. Although she reminded me of how my parents describe the way I was as a kid at the tender age of five, she was a lot funnier. I like how funny she was, so I made a decision early on about her: I wouldn't allow her silliness to wither away. I couldn't allow her to live on and join the monsters and their skeleton led armies. That would've been too difficult to write. That's why she chose the cookie and not the Bugs Bunny cupcake. I didn't want to see her turn black. May she rest in peace with all of her quirkiness.

With that said, I need to conclude this novel. I just have one chapter left, and I already have that sketched out. Now it's just a matter of writing it out from my outlines. As I draw this to an end, I need to get serious about a title. Most of the literary agents who have expressed an interest in the manuscript don't like the present title. (At the risk of exposing myself, I won't list it here).

I'm still anxiously waiting for the actual call(s). Given the amount of interest that I've received, I'm confident that it'll be any day now. Let's keep hoping! OK, back to the book.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Why I'm here in the first place

OK, so I'll make this blog entry short and sweet. That's not like me, but I'm trying to hone my words and make them extra juicy and super terse.

As I said, I tumbled out of the Ivory Tower -- it doesn't matter which one. I only hope that for those who are going to be leaving soon or have left, say, graduate school at an Ivy, that you'll find solace in the following passages.

I'll be honest. I'm in mourning. I miss the intellectual stimulation, the discussions about books, the people . . . HERE's what I don't miss:

a) The snobbery
b) The overt classism
c) The glaring difference between the rich (undergrads) and the poor (grad) - I'm generalizing, but it's basically true.
d) The desire and hope that you'll become a fantastic scholar, like the ones who are training you, i.e. your role models, BUT also FEARING (the divine paradox of being in grad school at a first tier school) that you'll end up at BFNW University, without health insurance, and dealing with kids who don't care what you're saying (that wasn't my experience when I taught in the Ivory tower - I was spoiled with the level of engagement I enjoyed)
e) Mounting student loan debts
f) Wandering WHY your advisor has 1) stopped writing to you; b) has never written to you; c) is the BLACK sheep of the dept.; d) never read your work!
g) Classism
h) Classism
i) Losing sleep to the point of a nervous breakdown
j) Being filled with ambition (see d), yet feeling uncertain about the future of your professional life in academia
k) Persistent and/or chronic diarrhea
l) Broken friendships as a result of having THEORETICAL differences
m) Acting the part of an apprentice, DESPITE the fact that it's the 21st century
n) Regretting that your dreams as an undergrad are not to be realized in grad school - IF YOU'RE TALENTED AND LOVE WRITING, etc. DON'T GO! TRUST ME, you'll be miserable and a) drop out or b) accept how cruddy it is, and become a curmudgeonly grad student
o) Classism - have I mentioned that already?
p) Sexism (yes, I'm absolutely serious)
q) Having a crappy advisor
r) Having a crappy advisor crap on you
s) Admiring your advisor, then realizing that they're crappy
t) Being disenchanted by the advisor you had admired and being crapped on them
u) Feeling trapped in the same fretful thoughts
v) Imprisonment in the Ivory Tower
w) No one understanding what it means to be a 'grad student' - asbolute limbo, eh? Dealing with these questions: "What are you gonna do with that?," "When you gonna be finished with that degree?," "What is a grad student anyways?"
x) General malaise and an overwhelming sense of isolation
y AND z) Knowing that your star has crashed, burned, blacked out. My sincerest condolences to those of you who have either gone through this, are going through this, or will (God Forbid) go through this - I'll tell you know, you will suffer from bruising, scrapes, bloody gashes for months afterwards.


But, wait! There is hope! Life does exist beyond those pillared towers. The hard part: taking the first steps to leave. Join me, and I'll share my own experiences. You'll see! There is life beyond those old gates, lonely carrels, and plush green lawns . . .

Agents, Agents every where, but not a one of 'em will drink!

So, I'm a fantasy writer of sorts, and not yet (big emphasis on 'yet') published. That means I'm not really an author, just a writer at the moment. I'm fine with that. No, wait. That's not true. I'm not fine with that. I want to be a writer more than anything else in this world. I mean, I wouldn't go as far as Faust, but then again, Mephisto hasn't been stomping around my cavernous library lately. One never really knows, unless they're asked by the Prince of Darkness.

Although I'm relatively new to the game, I'm proud to say that I've at least been able to get the attention of about twenty-five literary agents. I am not being boastful either - those 25 have actually written me personal e-mails and asked to look at my stuff. But that's not the real challenge. As you writers know (even those who are published, save for the hacks who just got a deal cuz their last name was Bush, Hilton, or whatever), rejection is just part of the deal. But there's something to be learned. I know, I know, I know. That sounds ueber-cheesy, but it's true. Use it as a device to become humbler. I swear, I'm providing you with some good advice.

It's all very humbling to receive these types of replies: "no, thanks," "I'm afraid you're not the best match for our agency," etc. If these came via mail, I'd be able to redecorate my bathroom with fancy letterhead from literary agents. Instead, it's all boxed up electronically, so I can only stuff it away in a category in my e-mail account called "Agent Rejections." But I digress. Humility can do wonders for you, especially if you're prone to being insane.

At least I can now say that I have another label in my e-mail account called "Bitin' Agents." That's encouraging as hell.

My fanciful book is pretty fantastic. It's set in the Midwest - Kansas to be exact. In an ordinary suburb, a little girl's dreams, as well as her nightmares, turn out to be very real indeed. That's the worst way of putting it, as my pitch is really honed - I'm quite proud of it, and I've managed to at least snag the attention of a bunch of agents momentarily. That's when they move to the next step, request a partial, and then write back with a polite "no." Agents are so overworked, that they wanna be given any reason to say "no." Suffice to say, don't take it personally.

C'est la vie.

OK, back to the drawing board.

In the meantime, you should check out Sarah Disgrace's blog. It's quite funny. - I've listed it below, but since I've been trolling around her site lately, I thought I'd list it in this entry, too.

Who knew? She loves Tina Fey as much as I do! Plus, she likes cupcakes, just like Amy Sedaris. Aaaah, isn't that cool?

All right, I gotta murder a child in my book. Being a writer is almost criminal.